Publications by the Breeding Insight Community


  • Lin M, Chen S, Zhao D, Chatwin W, Heller-Uszynska, Taniguti CH, Beil CT, Sheehan MJ (2025). A public mid-density genotyping platform for Pecan (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K.Koch)., Genet Res J. doi:(In preparation)
  • Medina CA, Hansen J, Crawford J, Viands D, Sapkota M, Xu Z, Peel MD, Yu L-X.  (2025). Genome-Wide Association and Genomic Prediction of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Biomass Yield Under Drought Stress., Int J Mol Sci 26(2):608. doi:


  • Loarca J, Wisner-Hanks T, Lopez-Moreno H, Maule AF, Liou M, Torres-Meraz MA, Diaz-Garcia L, Johnson-Cicalese J, Neyhart J, Polashock J, Sideli GM, Strock CF, Beil CT, Sheehan MJ, Iorizzo M, Attucha A, and Zalapa J  (2024). BerryPortraits: software for Phenotyping Of Ripening Traits with Rapid Automated Imaging Tools in cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.)., Plant Methods 20, 172. doi:


  • Andreason, S., Lahey, Z., Zhao, D., Mejia-Guerra, K., Williams, L., Sheehan, M., Simmons, A., Wadl, P. (2023). Mitochondrail genome datasets for the sweetpotato weevil, Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Coleoptera: Brentidae), collected in the United States.  Data in Brief:109432. doi:
  • Zhao D, Mejia-Guerra MK, Mollinari M, Samac DA, Irish BM, Heller-Uszynska K, Beil CT, Sheehan MJ (2023). A public mid-density genotyping platform for Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).  Genet Res J 4(80) 55-63. doi:
  • Zhao D, Sapkota M, Lin M, Beil C, Sheehan MJ, Greene S, Irish BM (2023). Genetic diversity, population structure, and taxonomic confirmation in annual medic (Medicago spp.) collections from Crimea, Ukraine. Front Plant Sci, 15:1339298. doi:


  • Gao G, Waldbiesser GC, Youngblood RC, Zhao D, Pietrak MR, Allen MS, Stannard JA, Buchanan JT, Long RL, Milligan M, Burr G, Mejia-Guerra MK, Sheehan MJ, Scheffler BE, Rexroad III CE, Peterson BC, Palti Y (2022). The generation of the first chromosome-level de-novo genome assembly and the development and validation of a 50K SNP array for the St. John River aquaculture strain of North American Atlantic salmon., G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 13 9, jkad138. doi:
  • Lawrence-Dill CJ, Allscheid RL, Boaitey A, Bauman T, Buckler IV ES, Clarke JL, Cullis C, Dekkers J, Dorius CJ, Dorius SF, Ertl D, Homann M, Hu G, Losch M, Lyons E, Murdoch B, Navabi ZK, Punnuri S, Rafiq F, Reecy JM, Schnable PS, Scott NM, Sheehan M, Sirault X, Staton M, Tuggle CK, Van Eenennaam A, Voas R (2022). Ten simple rules to ruin a collaborative environment., PLoS Comp Bio 18(4):e1009957. doi:


  • Mejia-Guerra MK, Zhao D, Sheehan MJ (2021). Genomic Resources for Breeding in Alfalfa: Availability, Utility, and Adoption., The Alfalfa Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham. doi:
A pile of sweet potatoes that have been harvested and cleaned.