
Northeast ARS area and species map

The Northeast ARS region includes Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Washington D.C., and West Virgina. This area includes the following species that are part of Breeding Insight: alfalfa, hemp, hydrangea, potato, rainbow trout, NA Atlantic salmon, red clover, strawberry and sugar beet.

All species and programs included in Breeding Insight are nominated and approved by the USDA-ARS Office of National Programs.

Discover more about the breeding programs for each of these species and their role in U.S. agriculture.

Midwest     Northeast


Northeast      Southeast


Midwest     Northeast

Salmon (coming soon)

Northeast     Pacific West

A person is holding a North American Atlantic Salmon above the rushing water.

Northeast     Pacific West

(Cover crops)

Northeast     Midwest

Link to Red clover/cover crops image and post

Sugar beet (Coming soon)

Pacific West         Phase 3