Breeding Insight OnRamp is a new USDA-ARS initiative designed to help selected ARS specialty crop and animal breeding programs get ready to join Breeding Insight. It’s a readiness program that helps organize breeders, create common traits and methods, and curate historical data so that when programs enter Breeding Insight, they are prepared to benefit from the services immediately. A 1-to-2-year commitment is needed, plus commodity financial support. Although Breeding Insight and BI OnRamp serve different species and provide some difference in services, Breeding Insight and BI OnRamp work side-by-side to share best practices, provide new and expanded services, and address new challenges facing ARS breeders. The project is led by BI OnRamp Director Dr. Amanda Hulse-Kemp (USDA-ARS computational biologist) in Raleigh, North Carolina.

A personalized track to breeding success.
BI OnRamp Director Dr. Amanda Hulse-Kemp (center), with USDA-ARS research geneticist Dr. Jodi Scheffler (left) and Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr. Daniel Restrepo-Montoya (right)
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