In our first edition of Success Stories: Breeder Chronicles, Dr. Moira Sheehan, Director of Breeding Insight, Dr. Ken Overturf, Research Geneticist, with the Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research center in Aberdeen, ID and Dr. Josue Chinchilla-Vargas, Animal Breeding Coordinator and Breeding Insight Coordinator for the USDA-ARS Rainbow Trout breeding program discuss the breeding program, its goals and what has come from the wonderful collaboration between the program and Breeding Insight.
The full interview can be viewed in four parts on the Breeding Insight YouTube channel.
To learn more about Rainbow Trout, visit the current species page on the BI website:
Thank you to Dr. Ken Overturf for participating in our first Breeder Chronicles. Stay tuned for more interviews with more USDA-ARS breeding program BI partners.

Dr. Ken Overturf uses a phenotyping box tool (Scale2) to measure adult fish.
In this clip from part 1, Dr. Overturf discusses one of the hurdles that BI helped his program overcome.
See the full Part 1 on the Breeding Insight YouTube Channel.
In this clip from Part 2 of the full interview, Dr. Overturf and Dr. Chinchilla-Vargas discuss some of the collaborative projects they are most excited about.
See the full Part 2 on the Breeding Insight YouTube Channel.
In this Part 3 clip, Dr. Josue Chinchilla-Vargas shares how a BI Service Coordinator can best assist breeding programs mitigate taking risks in their breeding program.
See the full Part 3 on the Breeding Insight YouTube Channel.
Dr. Moira Sheehan comments on how working with Dr. Overturf and his program has helped Breeding Insight grow and improve their services in this clip from Part 4 (the conclusion).
See the full Part 4 on the Breeding Insight YouTube Channel.

Picture left: Staff work to remove fish eggs for study. Picture center: BI staff and Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Center staff pose after constructing a phenotyping box tool. Picture right: Tank room in Leetown, WV. Use of tanks like this are mentioned in the interview.