Step 1: Starting a genotyping project with BI

Things to think about with your project

Use these guiding questions to help you figure out what kind of project you want to accomplish and discuss them with your BI Coordinator before you start collecting samples.

What’s your purpose for this project?
What questions do you hope to answer with the information you gain from genotyping?
When do you want to collect samples?
What kind of samples do you want to send?
How can BI help make this process as easy as possible?

There are some things that can set back your genotyping project or cause you to have to spend more time re-plating samples. We hope to help you avoid these common mistakes and make your project as successful as it can be!

Check out our quick video about common mistakes to avoid when sampling, shipping, and doing the paperwork that comes with a genotyping project.

Breeder Checklist

Use this downloadable and printable checklist to help you plan out your project, get the correct plasticware, collect your samples, and ship them!

What is Breeding Insight doing during your project?

6-8 weeks before planned sample prep:

  • Discuss project goals and timeline with you and your program. Refer you to training materials.

4-6 weeks before planned sample prep:

  • BI determines the services needed and requests a quote(s) for services.
  • BI reaches out to you if additional paperwork is needed for your project.
  • BI reaches out to see if you are all set to start sampling including checking to see if you have the correct plasticware for your project.

1 week before sample shipping

  • BI validates the tracking file and places the order for your project.

Same week of shipment:

  • BI green lights shipping & provides required documents.
  • BI sends you helpful information to assist you in your successful shipment and arrival of your samples at the DArT facility.
  • BI receives your shipping/tracking information and is able to track your project all the way to DArT

After shipment:

  • BI keeps in contact to keep you updated on your project and your results.

Step 2: Head to our next training module on filling out the sample tracking file. - Coming Soon!