Environmental Solutions

Environmental challenges are those that are inherent to the growing or raising environment and are not directly ‘fixable’. Solutions involve workarounds to accommodate the environment and require innovation.

Common Environmental Challenges

Check out these common environmental challenges noted by breeders, and how Breeding Insight works with them to arrive at solutions.

“I work in hot, sunny locations without cell service. I need long battery-life solutions that don’t require an active WiFi connection. What solutions are available for my working conditions?”

Different work environments and needs often require unique solutions. Breeding Insight helps breeders test possible technologies in real-world settings and can make recommendations for affordable platforms based on specific needs and constraints.

“I have a weather station on site that records daily conditions. How can I get more use out of these data?”

Breeding Insight can help identify patterns in granular weather data. The patterns that can be informative for breeders and growers as metrics to trigger irrigation, fertilizer or pesticide applications, and quantify the severity of extreme weather events.
We can even create new software to communicate between existing programs, removing the need for manual file transfer or spreadsheet data management.

“I need to report animal welfare data back to oversight agencies. How can I do this more accurately and quickly?

Breeding Insight can help breeders identify key data points needed for animal welfare reports. We can also help to establish digitized methods for capturing these data quickly and securely. Digitizing and centralizing data allows for out-of-bounds growth conditions to trigger rectification and notification of off-hours personnel.

Have a Complex Environmental Challenge?

Breeding Insight works with breeders to find or create feasible solutions.