System Administrator #
Systems administrators (generally Breeding Insight and BI OnRamp staff) can access the system administration module to:
- Create new programs
- Add and manage new users, including other system administrators
- Access all programs
Manage Programs #
Create #
In DeltaBreed, breeding data is managed within programs. Multiple breeding programs can be created for each species.
Select New Program.
BI Program Name Standards #
Program Name
The BI standard is a combination of the city/town where the USDA facility or main breeding operations will take place and the species of interest (eg. Pecan-Somerville).
Program Key
The BI standard is a 6-letter abbreviation (eg. PECSOM). The first 3 letters should be the species key (eg. Sugarbeet = SGB). The second 3 letters should be the first three letters of the program location or a three-letter combination that phonetically represents the program location (eg. Fort Collins = FOR).
Current Species Keys
Alfalfa (ALF), Blackberry (BBY), Blueberry (BLU), Citrus (CIT), Coffee (COF), Cranberry (CRB), Cucumber (CCB), Grape (GRP), Hemp (HMP), Honeybee (HYB), Hop (HOP). Hydrangea (HYD), Lettuce (LTC), Oat (OAT), Pecan (PEC), Potato (PTO), Raspberry (RAS), Red clover (RDC), Salmon (SLM), Sorghum (SGM), Strawberry (STB), Sugar beet (SGB), Sugarcane (SGR), Sweetpotato (SWP), Trout (TRO)
Specify program name, species, and program key. *Species are established by your database administrator, generally Breeding Insight. Normally you will want the storage location as the default. Save or cancel the edits.
Edit #
Select Edit to update the program name or species. Notice that the program key and the BrAPI URL are not editable. Save or cancel the edits.
Remove #
Select “Yes, remove” to remove the program from the system.
Open #
Select the program name hyperlink in the System Administration table or drop-down menu to access a program via the user’s home page.
Manage Users #
System administrators manage users by their associated emails. (Note that this is only in production. If you are using a Sandbox server of DeltaBreed your Breeding Insight Coordinator will help you log in.)
Add New System Administrator #
System administrators have access to the Users view, where they have permission to: add new system administrators and edit/deactivate all users on the BI platform.
From within the System Administration program, Select New User.
Specify name, email, and role. Save or cancel the edits. The new user will receive an activation email detailing how to login.
Edit and Resend Activation Email #
Select “Edit” to change user details.
Resend activation email to user by clicking the “Resend Email” link.
Deactivate #
Selecting “Yes, deactivate” will remove the user from the system. They will no longer have access, although their work in the system remains.